Christmas greetings Gallery of winning school images, animated by Creative Media students at Eastleigh College Winner: Isabelle Lee, age 12, 7D1 at Wildern Schoolanimated by Damon McDermott, Eastleigh College Runner up: Katherine Mould Ryan, 10, India class Yr6 at St. James C of E School, West Endanimated by Laurence Young, Eastleigh College Runner up: Sofia Phophar, 9, at Crescent Primary School animated by Christian Dinamling, Eastleigh College Runner up: George Bedford, Jupiter Class, Year 2 at The Crescent Primary School animated by Adam Sly, Eastleigh College Runner up: Gracie Meddings, France class at St. James C of E School, West End animated by Oli Polomka at Eastleigh College Runner up: Caitlin Spaven, 8, at Crescent Primary Schoolanimated by Kane Matthews, Eastleigh College Runner up: Beatrice Austin, 8, at Crescent Primary Schoolanimated by Alex Louch, Eastleigh College Runner up: Cerys Pickford, 5b Gagarin class at The Crescent Primary Schoolanimated by Kamuran Barnes, Eastleigh College Runner up: Zoe Onslow, Jupiter Class, Year 2 at The Crescent Primary School animated by Nav Sohpaul, Eastleigh College Runner up: Aariz Shayaan Chowdhury, 6, at Norwood Primary School animated by Kelsey Hart, Eastleigh College Runner up: Ralph Husbands, 8, Stoke Park Junior School animated by Sam Studwell, Eastleigh College Runner up: Isabel Sidwell, 8, at The Crescent Primary School animated by Ryan Barker, Eastleigh College Runner up: Summer, 11, at The Crescent Primary School animated by Charlie Dawkins, Eastleigh College